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Cuba Solidarity Report Back – US-Cuba Normalization Webinar

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Cuba Solidarity Report Back – US-Cuba Normalization Webinar

January 21 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 6:00 pm, Online event, Click here to register
CUBA WINS NEW INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY! Report-back from European International Tribunal and Cuba Conference of the Cuban Diaspora – Webinar
Speakers: Carlos Lazo: Report on the recent conference of 370 emigres in Cuba
Professor Dachery Ernesto López Valdivia: Center for Demographic Studies, University of Havana
Brenda Lopez: Report on the International tribunal and the call for internationally coordinated February actions against the blockade
Organized by International US-Cuba Normalization Conference Coalition, Sponsored by SCOTA