End Domestic Militarism

This committee will focus on issues surrounding militarism in the United States--from our militarized police forces to ROTC programs to ICE detention centers.

American governance relies on a force- and violence-based system of control. We reject this top-down, repressive system of governance and look to find alternative, community-based solutions to community safety.

Upcoming Event


Committees we work with

Showing Up for Racial Justice Minnesota

Updates and actions for Line 3 and the Derek Chauvin trial

The marshall Project

See what military equipment your local police department received from the DOD under the 1033 program

Black Alliance for Peace Petition

Sign the petition to demand that Biden end the DOD 1033 program

Stay up-to-date on events and community actions around the future of George Floyd Square

Line 3

Stop Line 3

donate directly to the front lines

Bank on Good

divest from banks that finance fossil fuels

Welcome Water Protectors

Go to visit Line 3

Contact the Governor

Contact Governor Tim Walz’s office (651-201-3400) to express your concern about ongoing Line 3 construction.


Building a Climate Movement in Minnesota