St. Joan of Arc Peacemakers Committee

The St. Joan of Arc (SJA) Peacemakers committee is a Peace & Justice Ministry at SJA.

The group has been gathering at the SJA parish at 4537 3rd Ave. S. in Minneapolis for almost 20 years. Meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of the month. 

As described on the “Peacemaking” web page at the SJA web site, the goals of the Peacemakers include:

  • To rediscover early Christian teachings and practices regarding war and the military in order to understand how our church turned away from the nonviolent practices of Jesus. 
  • To provide education and to engage in action that promotes peace and opposes militarism. 
  • To oppose militarism through direct nonviolent actions. 
  • To encourage Saint Joan of Arc parishioners of all ages to embrace nonviolence. 

More information about the Peacemakers’ structure and purpose are available here.

Our activities have included the following:

  • Provide outreach to SJA parishioners on topics of peace & war (e.g., tabling about specific issues at Sunday masses).
  • Host the bi-monthly meetings of the “Every Church A Peace” organization.
  • Discuss various readings that either address war and peace and/or promote  the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Lead the effort to rededicate the SJA parish as an international peace site through World Citizen.
  • Meet with staff at a local Catholic high school that has military instruction (a voluntary program) – to hold a dialogue with them on why a Catholic learning institution has classes on war, which is antithetical to Catholic Social Teaching.

Time: 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of every month.
Location: St. Joan of Arc Church, Parish Center, 4537 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
Contact: Bill Adamski: 612-926-8459, adamski.bill@gmail.com Barbara Cracraft 612-722-4444, barushka33@yahoo.com