Tackling Torture at the Top Committee


Tackling Torture at the Top

Tackling Torture at the Top (T3) is a committee of WAMM and a group of women and men who work to expose complicity in torture by our country’s decision-makers, and to hold people to account for that complicity so that it does not continue.

Furthermore, T3 works to expose the social and political structure that allowed and continues to allow these atrocities to occur. Lastly, T3 strives to induce justice and human rights where none exists. The committee was founded in 2004.

Please visit our T3 Facebook Page here.

Lynne Mayo


Lynne Mayo Presente

Lynne was a co-founder of the Tackling Torture at the Top committee of WAMM. She died in September 2020.

Please read these Tributes to Lynne Mayo

‪­‪­‪‪­­­­­‪­­‪­­­­‪­‪­­­­‪‪­­‪‪‪­‪‪­‪­­‪‪­­Please visit a website we created called Humanizing Our Neighbors!

At this website, we can see other people in the world as our neighbors and they can see us that way, too. In the galleries of personal photos with captions, videos with spoken messages, and poems and quotations. Go to the submissions page and join our project of perception that leads to peace. We also have a Humanizing Our Neighbors Facebook page here.

“The Love of one’s country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?”

Pablo Casals

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For Armistice Day, the Minneapolis Tackling Torture at the Top (T3) committee hosted a discussion at First Unitarian Church to discuss the state of the US corporate Empire. Panelists include former Bush aid and chief of staff Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Reverend Chris Antal (former army chaplain in Afghanistan), and MintPress editor Mnar A.

“Silence never won rights. They are not handed down from above; they are forced by pressures from below.”
Time: 10 a.m. on the second Wednesday of every monthLocation: Via ZoomContact: 612-827-5364 or general@wamm.me
