International Human Rights Day!
Saturday, December 10th 2022 at 1:00 PM
3101 S Bryant Ave, Minneapolis 55408
1pm: Meet at Bryant Square Park with Uptown march to follow.
The U.S. uses the language of human rights to justify U.S. intervention in Ukraine and to impose sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government continuously refuses to act in support of the basic human rights to education, healthcare, housing, and a live-able planet for our children here at home.
After the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, people in the U.S. are also fighting for women’s and reproductive rights.
Lastly, people of color are targeted by police and killed at an outrageous rate in their own communities.
This comes on top of longstanding U.S. wars and interventions, which NEVER bring human rights. Instead, they brutally subject the peoples of the world to occupation and instability while stealing their natural resources and suppressing their rights to self-determination.
We see it in Palestine, where the U.S. encourages illegal annexations for Israeli settlers and funds the ongoing war on Palestinians.
Join with us to demand respect for human rights at home and abroad!
Initiated by the Anti-War Committee. Co-sponsored by Women Against Military Madness.