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March 9 - March 10

Register today for the USM National Convention, March 9-10, 2024 in St. Louis, MO, titled “No More Genocide In Our Name.” Also on Zoom, click here to register

Featuring workshops and presentations on the role and responsibility of white people to build solidarity with Black Liberation, fight for reparations to African people, and defend the right to freedom of speech, currently under serious attack in the U.S. and around the world.

Learn how you can take action to demand the U.S. government drop the charges against the “Uhuru 3” who face 15 years in prison for fighting for African liberation and reparations: Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Founder and Leader of the Uhuru Movement, Penny Hess, Chair of the African People’s Solidarity Committee, and Jesse Nevel, USM Chair, all of whom will be speaking at the convention.

Register for $50 for both days at NoMoreGenocide.eventbee.com. Endorsed by WAMM


  • PRE-CONVENTION MEET & GREET: Friday March 8, 6PM. Join us for a meet and greet social hour at the Uhuru Solidarity Center, 2654 Gravois Ave, St. Louis, MO 63118. Light refreshments will be served

  • Saturday, March 9: Doors open: 8AM. Program: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM. Lunch provided.

  • Sunday, March 10: Doors open: 8AM. Program: 8:45AM-5:00PM. Lunch provided. (Daylight savings time begins on this day, clocks move forward by one hour.)

2024 Uhuru Solidarity Movement National Convention

Day One ● Saturday, March 9, 2024

8:00 am: Doors open, refreshments

9:00 am: Welcome and Introductions – MCs

9:10 am: Convening – USM Vice Chair Amanda Carlozzi

9:15 am: Culture

9:25 am: Video: No More Genocide in Our Name

9:30 am: Political Report to USM Convention – USM Chair Jesse Nevel

9:50 am: Keynote Address: Why African Liberation is Key to the Liberation of All Humanity – APSP Chairman Omali Yeshitela

10:30 am: Solidarity Keynote – APSC Chairwoman Penny Hess

11:00 am: How to join the African People’s Solidarity Committee- APSC Secretary General Alison Hoehne

11:05 am: Break

11:20 am: Panel 1: Free Leonard Peltier! Not One More Year! 

  • Penny Hess-APSC Chairwoman

  • Jenipher Jones, Esq – Leonard Peltier Ad Hoc Committee

  • Ward Churchill- Revolutionary scholar and activist

  • Mwezi Odom-Hands Off Uhuru Defense Committee Chair

12:35 pm: Panel 2: Free Palestine! Long live the anti-colonial unity of the African and Palestinian Revolutions!

  • Akilé Anai-APSP Director of Media and Communications

  • Nancy Mansour-Existence Is Resistance co-founder

  • Mona al Bayoumi- Artist and activist

  • Jesse Nevel-USM Chair

1:35 pm: Lunch

2:20 pm: Panel 3: Drop the Charges Against the Uhuru 3! Build the Anti-Colonial Free Speech Movement! 

  • Chairman Omali Yeshitela

  • Mwezi Odom-Hands Off Uhuru Defense Committee Chair

  • Penny Hess-APSC Chair

  • Jesse Nevel-USM Chair

  • John McCarthy-Center for Political Innovation

3:40 pm: Black Power Blueprint Capital Campaign – APSP Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela

4:40 pm: Unity through Reparations! Nothing Can Stop the Movement for African Self-Determination! A Call for Material Solidarity

5:40 pm: Resolutions, Plenary Session, Q&A

6:00 pm: Closing Remarks

Optional group dinner: Meskerem Ethiopian Restaurant-3210 S Grand Blvd, Saint Louis, MO 63118

Day Two ● Sunday, March 10, 2024

8:00 am: Doors open, refreshments 

8:45 am: Welcome and Day 1 Summation – APSP Secretary General Mwezi Odom

9:00 am: Black Power Blueprint Tour Introduction-APSP Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela

9:15 am: Walking Tour: Black Power Blueprint 

10:30 am: A Call for Reparations 

11:00 am: Panel: Put Colonialism on Trial: From Gaza to South Africa to North St. Louis! No More Genocide In Our Name!

  • Chairman Omali Yeshitela

  • Penny Hess, APSC Chair

  • Efia Nwangaza, SNCC Veteran, Malcolm X Center for Self Determination Exec Dir.

  • Tafarie Mugeri-APSP Africa Region Chairman

  • Akilé Anai- APSP Director of Media and Communications

12:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 pm: Workshop: 1000 Members Is Just The Beginning: The Plan to Build the Uhuru Solidarity Movement in 2024 – and How You Can Join! – USM Membership Chair Len Demmer

3:00 pm: Workshop: Waging the Anti-Colonial War of Ideas

3:30 pm: Workshop: Reparations in Action Means Material Solidarity with Black Power 

4:30 pm: Elections of USM NSC; Appointment of USM Chair

5:00 pm: Closing remarks

5:15 pm: Adjourn