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NO to NATO – NO to Nuclear War

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NO to NATO – NO to Nuclear War

June 27 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
NO to Nuclear War
Stop U.S./NATO proxy war with Russia in Ukraine
Disband, don’t expand NATO
No new wars for the 1%
Minneapolis protest, Tuesday June 28, 5:00 pm
In front of office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar,  1200 Washington Ave South, Minneapolis
The U.S and NATO are fighting a proxy war in Ukraine with Russia, a nuclear armed country. At the June summit NATO will discuss expanding NATO, raising world tensions even more.
NATO does not bring peace or justice. Just look at the results of the U.S./NATO war on Libya to see the hellscape that awaits any country “liberated” by U.S./ NATO intervention. When the U.S./NATO bombs fall, they are not falling for the vast majority of people but for the narrow corporate interests of the 1%.
Anti-war protests are being held in Madrid during the NATO summit to speak out against more war and the escalating danger of nuclear World War 3. Join the Minneapolis protest to send an anti-war message in solidarity with anti-NATO protests.
Initiated by Minnesota Peace Action Coalition.
Endorsed by (initial list): Antiwar Advocates of Minnesota Congressional District 2, Anti-War Committee, Climate Justice Committee, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Mayday Books, Minnesota War Tax Resistance, Movement 4 People’s Democracy, Party for Socialism and Liberation – Minneapolis, St. Joan of Arc WAMM/Peacemakers, Socialist Action, Socialist Party-USA Twin Cities Local, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Welfare Rights Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Veterans for Peace and others.
For more information 612 827-5364
No to NATO event