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The Sacred Sundance Movie

The Sacred Sundance Movie

October 8 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


The Sacred Sundance: The Transfer of a Ceremony

Monday, October 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. 4200 Cedar Ave. So., Minneapolis (on Indigenous Peoples’ Day)

The Sacred Sundance: The Transfer of a Ceremony, chronicles Mi’kmaq director Brian J Francis’ journey into the traditions of North American indigenous spirituality. The Sundance is new to the Mi’kmaq people of Eastern Canada and is brought to them from the west by elder William Nevin of the Elsipogtog First nation…The Sundance itself cannot be filmed, but through the preparations for the ceremony and the words of its participants, we are left an understanding of the healing power it has brought to communities who traditionally did nor practice it. The film offers a model for indigenous people reclaiming their heritage and embracing traditions- and with them, hope for the future.

Director: Brian J. Francis 2008/Canada/1 hour 9 minutes

Masks and social distancing by choice.
Connecting the dots…discussion
Always FREE and open to the public
ALL ARE WELCOME! Free refreshments!
Sponsored by the WAMM Movie Committee
FFI: 612.827.5364 or general@wamm.me

4200 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55407

4200 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55407 United States