Vol 38 No 6 2020: “Let Them Go!”


Volume 38 No. 6 Winter - 2020

This article originally appeared in the print version of Women Against Military Madness Newsletter Vol 38, No 6, 2020.

“Let Them Go!” 648+ Peaceful Protesters Arrested in Minneapolis

by WAMM Newsletter Committee

Civilian Police Accountability Council.

On Nov. 4, in Minneapolis, activists answered the call resounding around the country from the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression to demand that Trump concede the election. They were joined by other concerned citizens in demanding a People’s Mandate and the funding of human needs. The protest spilled from a Minneapolis street onto Interstate 94.

 As the march was just about to exit the freeway, law enforcement officers (mostly unmasked) –Minnesota Highway Patrol, Hennepin County sheriffs, Minneapolis police, and Minnesota National Guard, many of whom were brought in from around the state – kettled the protesters and, without a dispersal warning, refused to let them exit, including families with young children. The State Patrol closed down the freeway for five hours and pepper-sprayed nearby local residents who observed what was happening and were shouting, “Let them go!” Law enforcement arrested more than 648 people. Teenagers were separated from their parents. Protesters were charged with misdemeanors of public nuisance and walking on the freeway.


Demand an end to escalation of political repression!

Arrestees and the community are demanding that the charges from this costly and outrageous exercise of political repression against peaceful protesters be dropped. 

Call Minnesota Governor Tim Walz: (651) 201-3400 and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey: (612) 673-2100 to demand that:

1.) all charges be dropped against all of the protesters arrested November 4 on I-94 in Minneapolis.

2.) the use of militarized forces against people is stopped.


Picture of Steven Forter

Steven Forter

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